July 22, 2021
Marriott Downtown
Facades+ Dallas will be The Architect’s Newspaper’s first in-person event of 2021. The full day conference is co-chaired by Dallas-based firm Omniplan and will feature a morning of panel dialogue and presentations, and an afternoon of manufacturer led workshops.
The program is curated by The Architect’s Newspaper, and strives to include a breadth of facade design topics; ranging from residential facades to the community impact of monumental projects. Stay tuned as we finalize the impressive roster of project leaders hailing from near and far.

8:00 - 8:50 AM CT
8:50 - 9:00 AM
9:00 - 10:00 AM
Facades are the outward character of any project, and consequentially require a methodology that looks beyond just structural innovation. Specifically, museums and civic institutions can revitalize existing neighborhoods through the communication of tangible ideas and manifestos, and the introduction of exciting new typologies. Texas is leading the way on this vital topic, and recent case studies to be presented on this panel include Adjaye Associates and Alamo Architect’s Ruby City and Diamond Schmitt Architects’ Buddy Holly Complex.
10:00 - 10:30 AM
10:30 - 11:30 AM
Texas is home to a storied legacy of Modernist design: the style’s clean lines and horizontal emphasis blend with the vastness of the Lone Star State’s windswept plains and inexorable rapid pace of development. This panel will highlight two projects that exhibit innovation in facade cladding according to interpretations of the Modernist ethos, all while harnessing the latest in manufacturing technology to deliver unique cladding systems that incorporate lightweight materials. Panelists will explore the processes behind the projects, and how all of the pieces came together.
11:30 - 12:00 PM
12:00 - 1:00 PM
The Coronavirus pandemic has leveled the architecture and construction industry, but, amidst the turmoil,the residential market has remained remarkably robust. However, the design and construction of such properties, especially single-family homes, remains a nail-biting affair of tight budget constraints compounded by the constraint of off-the-shelf building materials. This panel with bring together two firms in a robust discussion of material choice and project delivery, and, most importantly, how to keep the costs down!