Washington DC
October 14
The Washington Plaza
We are back in person!
Facades+ Washington D.C., hosted by The Architect’s Newspaper, is an event filled with tailor-made presentations and robust dialogue on high-level detailing of all things building skin. We invited leading specialists to present their most innovative projects with a regional flair. Throughout the day, you can expect to hear about the latest innovations in sophisticated glazing, the rigorous retrofitting of the iconic Carnegie Library and handcrafted copper overhaul of 1701 Rhode Island Avenue, as well as two new projects that go above and beyond the facade – literally – to incorporate the roof into a multifaceted and complex design. Following the symposium of exclusive projects, join us for the opportunity to network with other member of the AEC community in Washington D.C.
8:00 - 8:50 AM ET
8:50 - 8:55 AM
8:55 - 9:00 AM

9:00 - 10:00 AM
There is a discernible trend towards facades of greater opacity. Whether this shift results from new aesthetic conventions or performance standards is a subject of debate, but architects are still presented with the challenge of marrying glazing and demands for transparency with materials such as terra-cotta and ultra high performance concrete. This panel will explore bespoke curtain wall systems of 2100 Pennslyvania Avenue and the soon to be completed Signal House in Washington D.C., while also illuminating the design assist processes and client requests that informed their outcome.
10:00 - 10:30 AM
10:30 - 11:30 AM
The path to sustainability runs through adaptive reuse and architectural retrofit. Washington D.C. is home to grand Beaux-Arts edifices and more contemporary buildings and, as a result, is a hotbed for both strategies. Two firms in Washington D.C., Hickok Cole and Beyer Blinder Belle, are leading the way in this regard, and this panel presenters will examine the dramatic retrofit of 1701 Rhode Island Avenue and the painstaking restoration of the under-utilized Carnegie Library.
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM
12:00 - 1:00 PM
Rising land costs and ever-increasing commercial rivalries over offered amenities are driving advanced designs of rooftops. Termed the ‘Fifth’ facade, these oft neglected spaces are being leveled up with greater accessibility and innovative uses of materials. Panelists Studio Twenty Seven Architecture and OTJ Architects will dive into the forces driving this paradigm shift against the four-sided adage of the past, and their methodologies for developing hostically complex and multi-faceted rooflines.
Afternoon Lunch & Learn
1:00 - 2:00 PM
Credit type: 1 AIA/HSW
Provider: STI Firestop
Today’s high-performance building enclosures demand high performance fire protection! The development of new “Hybrid Window Wall designs” has created issues on projects throughout North America. Curtain wall consultants and Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ’s) are requiring tested firestop solutions for this growing wall type. Fully understanding the role and value of perimeter fire barrier systems in today’s ever changing and complex designs cannot be overstated. As the industry changes almost on a monthly basis, understanding how to maintain the integrity of a non-rated hybrid window wall system for up to 2 hours is critical in the design phase to eliminate costly changes, delays, and compromised life safety requirements during construction. Key topics are outlined below and will be discussed in detail incorporating PowerPoint & video.
Learning Objectives
- Understanding the issues and concerns of new Hybrid Window Wall designs
- Importance of testing for Hybrid Window Wall designs
- Understanding ASTM E2307 and the Intermediate Scale Multi-Story Test Apparatus
- Understanding the sequencing and installation of tested solutions
- Documenting the performance of a successful perimeter fire barrier test
- Common misconceptions about Hybrid Window Wall designs
2:00 - 3:00 PM
Credit type: 1 LU/HSW
Provider: Kalwall
Topics discussed include daylighting strategies available through the integration of structural sandwich panels, energy conservation, enhancements, options, form and aesthetics. The many benefits to health, productivity, safety and sustainable design will be discussed, as well as specialty applications including explosion venting, blast resistance, OSHA fall through protection and hurricane resistance.
Learning Objectives
- Effective and versatile Daylighting strategies and techniques.
- Special performance options and benefits.
- Applications for sustainable design.
- Diffused daylighting for security, health and safety and inviting interior spaces.