TKP Conference Center, 109 W 39th St
In-depth dialog with leading architects, fabricators, developers and engineers
Facades+ workshops feature an intimate class size and hands-on learning to create an environment conductive to innovation and creative problem-solving. Learn crucial skills & tools to advance your practice.
Workshop Schedule
- 1:15pm – Afternoon Workshops Begin
- 3:15pm – Networking and Refreshment Break
- 3:35pm – Afternoon Workshops Continue
- 5:00pm – Workshops End
Pick an afternoon session to best match your interests and earn up to 4 HSW CEUs.
Afternoon Session (Choose one from the following workshops A, B, C or D)
A. Designing Sustainable Building Envelopes by Thinking Outside the Box
Sessions bring together leading manufacturers who are driving materials and design research. This session will offer three 1-hr deep-dives into the material, applications, and product innovations from a select group of our Methods+Materials Exhibitors.
1. Perimeter Fire Barrier Systems for Today’s Hybrid Window Wall Designs
Today’s high-performance building enclosures demand high performance fire protection! The development of new “Hybrid Window Wall designs” has created issues on projects throughout North America. Curtain wall consultants and Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ’s) are requiring tested firestop solutions for this growing wall type. Fully understanding the role and value of perimeter fire barrier systems in today’s ever changing and complex designs cannot be overstated. As the industry changes almost on a monthly basis, understanding how to maintain the integrity of a non-rated hybrid window wall system for up to 2 hours is critical in the design phase to eliminate costly changes, delays, and compromised life safety requirements during construction. Key topics are outlined below and will be discussed in detail incorporating PowerPoint & video.
Learning Objectives:
- Understanding the issues and concerns of new Hybrid Window Wall designs
- Importance of testing for Hybrid Window Wall designs
- Understanding ASTM E2307 and the Intermediate Scale Multi-Story Test Apparatus
- Understanding the sequencing and installation of tested solutions
- Documenting the performance of a successful perimeter fire barrier test
- Common misconceptions about Hybrid Window Wall designs
2. Exterior Cladding Innovation: Rainscreen Design with Ultracompact Surfacing
Modern construction has come to understand that a façade, as part of an overall building envelope, is not only a visual statement, but also an important influencer in the protection of a wall’s structural components, the energy efficiency of the building, and the health of its occupants. This course explores a unique surfacing material known as ultracompact surfacing (UCS) and evaluates its mechanical properties, technical characteristics, and aesthetics to illustrate its endless design potential in exterior cladding, façade, and rainscreen applications.
- define ultracompact surfacing and discuss the innovative production process that creates stone-like properties which contribute to project longevity and lower maintenance
- discuss designing with ultracompact surfaces in terms of color, texture, format, general design flexibility, and various applications for both interior and exterior
- identify the traits and advantages of ultracompact surfaces in terms of strength, durability, UV resistance, absorption rates, abrasion resistance, and ASTM testing, and
- discuss proper rainscreen design and installation using ultracompact surfacing material.
3. Benefits and Applications of Photocatalytic Ceramic Tile & Exterior Cladding Panels for Architecture
This course provides an overview of the properties of photocatalytic ceramic tiles including the science, health benefits and applications.
- Summarize the chemical process of photocatalytic oxidation and state how this process contributes to keeping surfaces clean and microbe free
- List the properties of PCOs and the environmental and economic factors associated with each property
- Explain how photocatalytic oxidation contributes to enhanced air quality in terms of odor and VOC decomposition, and NOx removal
- Identify the applications and environmental benefits of using PCOs in order to specify them for appropriate
B. Preservation : Strategies for Building Restoration
Retaining a city’s existing buildings maintains its culture heritage and contributes to a vibrant urban landscape. It is also environmentally responsible to preserve and reuse these buildings, capitalizing on the earlier workmanship and materials. However, these buildings were not designed to perform as a modern structure, especially with respect to energy efficiency, resiliency, and user comfort. During this workshop, multiple experts will discuss how to evaluate the existing buildings and how to preserve and adapt the buildings to meet current performance needs to ensure their viability into the future.
C. Designing Glass to its Full Potential – How and Why the Rules have Changed
What limits us from heroic glass design? Are we sure that we have made good choices for all our glass? When does size and utilization of glass become so different to what we were using 20 years ago that the conventional rules of thumb no longer apply? How do we design to avoid disaster?
Charles Berman, of Diller Scoffidio + Renfro, will present examples of the practice’s use of glass to discuss architect’s ambitions for glass in consideration of the realities introduced by glass as a robust engineered composite product.
Richard Green will present developments embodied in drafting the ASTM Standard for Structural Use of Glass, which provides a framework for specification by architects and design by engineers to balance cost, risk and reliability with appropriately controlled post-damage outcomes.
Alan Maskin will present the revitalization of the Seattle Space Needle as a case study, describing the architectural aspirations and how new glass technology facilitated the project objectives. Richard will describe the technical development and testing regimen for the project relating the principles of the draft standard and how they were implemented. The study contrasts replacing the glass technology of 1962 with the most current glass technology and how the design decisions have changed.
This session is a must for architects and engineers going beyond designing windows and utilizing the potential of glass.
D. (P)ReFabricate: An Interactive Reinterpretation of Prefabricated Building Enclosures
Attendees of the workshop will work in teams of 4 or 5, guided by a rotation of 3 different instruction teams (each with members from PCPA, BuroEhring and Roschmann) to recalibrate key components of one iconic modern shelter or prefab home, selected from a choice of eight. To facilitate the activity, individual Rhino models of each shelter or prefab will be available during the workshop. The teams will identify and adjust key facade elements of the original designs to accommodate changes in context, contemporary energy standards, and ease of assembly.
E. Facades As Filters: Breaking the Barrier
Instructor: John Ivanoff, BuroHappold Engineering
Instructor: Emir A. Pekdemir, BuroHappold Engineering
This workshop describes the latest conceptual and built approaches in designing facades as environmental filters, rather than as barriers. An integrated project team approach is described that shows how to allow for controlled and desirable movement of air, light, water and energy into and out of highly efficient, buildable structures, including certifiably sustainable and healthy projects and new multifamily, institutional, and mixed-use buildings. Interdisciplinary presenters offer an overview of holistic enclosure and structural design followed by discussions of whole-building analytics, facade engineering, and lighting design. Considerations for procurement, installation, construction and commissioning are also reviewed, with attention to recent case studies in commercial work.
F. Textured Facades: Approaches to Metal Enclosure Systems
Diller Scofidio + Renfro and MG McGrath has a unique history collaborating on multiple metal facade buildings that are geometrically complex, including the Berkeley Art Museum Pacific Film Archives (2016), the US Olympic & Paralympic Museum (2020) under construction, and the College of Holy Cross in design assist phase.
The workshop will be in two parts. In the first section, the presenters will discuss design hurdles, lessons learned, and future opportunities through each project.
In the second section, the attendees will work together to tackle some of the technical design challenges we faced using the case study of US Olympic & Paralympic Museum.
G. Topology Optimization: Synthesis of Surface and Structure
Structure is often treated as a secondary or supporting role to facade and envelope design. This seminar will discuss design synthesis between envelope and structure as implemented within ongoing research at HKS | LINE. Utilizing Altair’s OptiStruct for its robust optimization solvers, the presenters will demonstrate workflows that incorporate topology optimization and structural feedback early within conceptual design and massing development. The workflow presented leverages interoperability between Rhino and OptiStruct allowing improved iterative feedback between the two platforms.