The Gaia House is a 3D-printed prototype made of biodegradable materials

An Israeli airport rises from the desert with a contorted aluminum facade

Hand-crafted bricks add visual depth to this French music school

This Berlin house stays dry under a cork skin

Hong Kong’s newest opera house makes waves with an aluminum fin facade

1100 Architect blends the new and old with the sensitive use of fiber-cement boards

This Arizona medical school blends into the desert with a folded copper facade

This Swiss cancer institute keeps out the sun with a continuous aluminum screen

Bernard Tschumi Architects’ Exploratorium Museum bulges with cones of perforated aluminum panels

This office building in Mexico City filters sunlight through a flowing steel veil

Eero Saarinen’s Bell Labs stays bright with the largest photovoltaic skylight in the U.S.

MARC FORNES / THEVERYMANY splashes this parking garage with swirling colors

Abu Dhabi’s oldest building stands strong after intensive stone restoration

This Colombian conference center uses a glazed skin to stay cool

Land Rover’s Shanghai Offices keeps the sun out with a diaphanous ceramic frit

5G Studio brightens up a mid-century bank with a ceramic tile recladding

These rock-like Norwegian cabins keep hikers warm under timber panels

Deborah Berke Partners splits this dormitory with a zinc-and-stone facade

DS+R wraps up 15 Hudson Yards with the largest cold-warped curtainwall in North America

Facades+ San Francisco will dive into the Bay Area’s exciting technological trends

C. F. Møller Architects wrapped this Danish school with thousands of solar panels

The Pacific Visions Aquarium lands ashore with a triple-laminated glass facade

This winery holds its own with a self-supporting limestone facade

Mecanoo’s Delft city hall and train station reflects the past with ornamental glass panels